Page name: Nami, and the Seven Knights Rp area [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-14 20:04:09
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
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Nami, and the Seven Knights

Nami is being held prisoner in Jin's castle, he plans to kill her the moment she signs her late husbands kingdom over to him, he has not yet told her her husband is dead, but plans to do so soon.
The four remaining knights sent to rescue Nami are just outside the palace, trying to figure out how to rescue her before she signs over the kingdom
We are jumping ahead a few months now. Nami has been rescued, and has also found out that her unborn children are not her husbands, but are Jin's. They have not made it back to Nami's palace yet, due to the fact that things keep happening, either Jin catches up to them, and they have to hide, for Nami's safety, or Jin has sent someone after them to slow them down.


Raidon went off to go face Jin alone. Raidon died in the fight, and some believe Jin is dead as well, but he really isn't. Nami doesn't believe Jin is dead because his body was never found. About a month after she buried her husband, she found out that she was pregnant again, and soon gave birth to Vera, the daughter of Raidon, and the true heir to his throne. The kindom of Nightfell is still on guard, waiting for Jin's attack.
3 years later Vera, Amallia and Azhemin are three years old, and are currently learning to control their abilities. Nami has given each of the Knights that helped her and her children get to the castle safely their own land in the kingdom, and also lead their own groups of knights on patrols, looking for signs of Jin, or his wife, or his followers.
Nami has also allowed Morganis to stay in the castle, It took Nami almost a year to move on after the death of Raidon, the pain of losing him a second time proved to be more than she could handle for a long time. Morganis helped her the whole way. And now they are together...

Nami, and the seven knights *Jin's Castle*-Where Jin, and followers of jin can

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2010-11-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He held her close. "You like him don't you?" he'd whisper toward Arya.

2010-11-18 [Sonya Blue]: arya raised a brow "i beg your pardon?"

2010-11-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Just all."

2010-11-18 [Sonya Blue]: she sighed and looked back into the fire "he had to ride with someone, if he was coming with us..."

2010-11-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Ah, I see."

2010-11-18 [Sonya Blue]: arya yawned slightly

2010-11-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis watched the fire.

2010-11-18 [Sonya Blue]: Nami had fallen asleep, leaning on Malganis

2010-11-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He cuddled up close to her, not really tired.

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion sat at the fire his leg twitching "Ah to hell with this waiting" he said standing up "Im gonna go look around"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: arya looked up at him "...impaitent?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "if you want to call it that" he said picking up his sword.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she chuckled "well the horses...and we need to rest for a few should rest as well..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "I wasnt planning on taking the horses" Ion said shivering "And I wont sleep" he bent down and whispered "Besides I think we should leave those two alone for a while"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she sighed "alright then..." she stood up and looked at him "where to?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Around" Ion shrugged walking into the forest.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked, and then followed him

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "So how long have you served" Ion asked as they trudged through the forest, but staying within walking distance of camp.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "you mean served Nami?" she walked next to him

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Yeah" Ion said using his sword to hack through a small dense clump of vines.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "well...i was one of the seven knights that were sent to save her life when she was taken...and then when the twins were born and then when Vera was born i decided to stay, to help protect them...

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "And that makes you how old exactly?" he asked looking at her "I know elves live long lives, but you can never tell their age"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked over at him "for an elf i am very young...i am 213 years old....but we live much longer than that, i am considered to be a child to many of my kind..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "213 is young?" Ion asked walking into a low hanging branch "owwwww ow ow" he groaned rubbing his forehead.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she stopped and frowned "phyicaly i am in my early twenties..." she blinked when he hit his head "are you alright?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "yeah ow" he ducked under the branch "Must be nice, staying youthful for so long..."

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked forward as she walked "it can be...but sometimes it can be painful..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "How so?" Ion said looking around for a path.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "you see a lot of people when i was a best friend was a human she grew old while i stayed young...she died at the age of 83...."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "I see" Ion said quietly "I thought elves only socialized with other elves for that very reason"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "Most do...but i come from a different kind...we welcome other races to come and meet us, and learn from us...and its easy to become friends..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Until they die" Ion said grabbing a vine and yanking on it "Is it me, or is this forest getting very dense all of a sudden?"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she stopped and looked around "....its not just you"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion crossed his arms "So....someone is controlling the forest, we are officially lost or the forest is just like this"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned "we cant be lost" she looked back "we just go back the way we came, or look for the smoke from the campfire..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Yeah, but which way is back?" he said, all the forest around them looked un touched despite Ion having carved a way through the dense brush. It was as if their trail had just vanished.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked around, then back at him "i dont know...but we cant be far..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "If its magic we could be anywhere" Ion said drawing his sword.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she didnt draw her sword, but she stayed on guard

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion walked to the nearest tree and carved a large 'X' in the bark "Alright, so we now know at least a general point of reference"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at him and nodded "alright...i think we came from this way...." she started walking

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion followed her closely sword still out, holding the sheath in his other hand.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she walked slowly

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion couldnt shake the feeling that the path they were taking was growing tighter and smaller with each step, he griped his sword a little tighter his eyes roaming around.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked around and then looked at him "i dont like this...the forrest wasnt like this before..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Yeah I noticed" Ion said "Tell me how far was the camp from Jin's castle?"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "we had another full day of travel..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Ok well there goes my theory" Ion muttered poking at the vines "I was going to suggest perhaps this is a defense mechanism to ensure no one sneaks to the castle through the forest thus making any approach automatically noticeable by keeping them to main roads"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she crossed her arms, looking at him"any idea on what else it could be?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Not really" he said "Unless Kodama live here" he straitened up.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she raised a brow "who?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Forest spirits" Ion said squatting down and poking around the undergrowth with his scabbard "They are innocent little things, look like infants with rattles for heads." he sniffed still poking "They are rather A) screwing with us, which is most common as they are like little children. They love to confuse travelers, or B)" he looked back at Arya "We offended their main spirit and want to hurt us for it"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned "so what do we do?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Try to find them, easier said then done, they can vanish in and out of existence at will" he stood up sheathing his blade "Firstly we need to not appear as threats" he grabbed some string from his pocket and tied the hilt of his sword firmly to hte sheath, stopping it from being able to be drawn.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she watched him, keeping her arms crossed over her chest

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "You too" Ion said "Im only carrying a sword, you look like your carrying an arsenal of knives. If anything, they are probably more scared of you then me"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she dropped her hands to her sides "i only have my sword, everything else is with my horse...."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion raised an eyebrow "Damn so no strip search" he pulled out a piece of string and held it out to Arya "Here, tie this so you cant draw your sword"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned at him, but took it and tied her sword down

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Dont worry, Ill tell you if things go south" he looked around "Alright, try to listen and tell me if you can here running water"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: arya nodded slightly, and listened carefully "...."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion stayed silent closing his eyes and opening his mouth slightly so he could hear better.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she took a deep breath, listening

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion opened his eyes "I hear something from the east" he looked that way.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at him "alright then..." she started to walk towards the east

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion walked next to her, the vines seeming to stop closing in "Its been a long time since I traveled with an elf"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked over at him "you've travled with elves before?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "One or twice, though mainly its the 'feral' elves that stick to their own kind" he said ducking under a low hanging branch "The last one I traveled with was a girl who nearly put an arrow through my throat"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she laughed slightly "and why did she do that?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Because I was 'crashing through the forest and startled her game'" he said putting on a mock voice "Apparently she was hunting and missed because of me"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "i can see how that would anger her..." she laughed a little more

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "She insisted I help her hunt to make up for my intrusion. We spent a week hunting one damn deer through an entire forest" Ion said as they walked, the ground slowly inclining.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she walked a bit more carefully but looked over at him "it took you a week? if you ask me the deer was more trouble than it was worth..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "It was but she insisted that we hunt the exact one I scared away" Ion said annoyed "We saw many deer, but only the one I scared off was the one she would accept"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "it sounds like you caught her in a foul mood....although your lucky she didnt just kill you..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Yes, I only found out afterwards it was her first hunt" they came to a small 7 foot cliff "Looks liek we're climbing" he mounted the wall and began climbing.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she started climbing down after him, concentrating on not falling

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion reached the top and reached down offering his hand to Arya.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she took his hand and pulled herself up

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled and let her hand go patting his pants down getting rid of the dirt "Found that out on the day before we found the bloody deer"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "you found it bloody?" she looked at him, patting her self off too

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Uh no, 'bloody' is slang" he smiled "We used it as kids cause we couldnt get away with saying 'fuck' and not getting punished, so we used bloody instead"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she raised a brow "alright then..." she shook her head laughing a bit

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion continued walking "Though after we killed the deer we got 'bloody' ourselves" he smiled a little sadly "She was gone when I woke up afterwards. Left nothing behind"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she followed him "you were upset?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion didnt reply for awhile as he navigated some moss covered rocks "Yes and no, she was from an elvin tribe that hated anything not elvish, so nothing serious could have happened." he shrugged "Then again, for all I know there is a half human half elf 2 year old in an elvish tribe right now"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded slightly "i see..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "I want to say sorry as well, the horse wasnt the only reason I was nervous. Your the first elf woman I've meet since her." Ion said haltingly as he jumped across a small ditch.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at him "so you thought i'd be the same?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion shrugged "Not really, just brought back memories"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "alright..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Are you the same?" he asked looking back "I mean with the disliking humans thing?"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she shook her head "i have no problem with humans...remember my best friend was a human"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "True, but do you feel different around them....I mean us?" he asked as they walked, the sound of water growing

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "if you mean to i look down on humans, the answer is no...all races are equal in my eyes..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Fair enough answer" Ion said as the path ahead of them opened up "OK I think we are in business" They stepped out into a large clearing where a water fall fell into a small lake.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked around the clearing curiously

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion stepped forward towards a large rock placed directly in front of the water fall and hit the rock three times with his sheathed sword. He repeated this three times before a strange rattling sound resonated around the clearing.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she quickly walked up behind him, looking around "...."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Dont worry" Ion said smiling as the rattling increased, blurry figures appearing and disappearing around the clearing.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: arya stayed quiet, looking at the creatures

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: The creatures finally came into view, they looked like infant children only their heads looked like green coconuts which rattled as they walked.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked slightly and looked over ar Ion

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion tapped his sheath again on the rock in a pattern. The kodama responded. It continued ack and forward for 7 minutes, Ion tapping something out, the kodama responding by rattling.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: arya watched quietly "...."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Eventually the rattling ceased, the kodama disappearing. Ion let out a loud sigh of relief "Well Im glad thats sorted out"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked and looked at him "what was wrong?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Remember that branch I walked into? Turns out a kodama was on it and i knocked it down. I didnt apologize so they got mad" he sighed "They often forget they are usually invisible"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "understandable i guess..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: He sighed again "If we head back the way we came we will be back in camp in about an hour"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "good to know...then lets get going..." she smiled at him

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion nodded smiling back and removed the string that was binding his sword.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she removed hers too

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled as they walked down the path they came.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she walked next to him quietly

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Im sorry" he said looking at her "I overheard your conversation with Malganis by the fire"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked over at him "....did you?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "yes" Ion noded "Sorry I didnt intend to, I just have good hearing"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she looked forward again as she walked "well he wasnt exactly quiet about it...."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Yes, he was rather straight forward about it" Ion agreed looking ahead.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "well thats how he is i guess..." she continued to walk

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Was the answer you gave him the truth?" Ion asked as they walked his sword resting across his shoulders.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: "it was half true...for you to ride with nami would have been inappropiate...and to ride with him would have just been weird..." she looked over at him and smiled a little

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion chuckled "I guess, though I dont think i would have been nervous with Nami" he sad smiling at her.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked "Nami is half elf..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion chuckled "I think your missing the point Arya"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she raised a brow "i am?"

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: Ion chuckled "For someone who is over 200 your a little slow to the uptake"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled a little at him

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "Oh i better mention this now to stop somethign awkward later, but kodama magic distorts time. Well be gone about an hour, but only around minutes will have passed outside this forest" Ion said looking at the vines.

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded slightly "alright..."

2010-11-19 [Strawboy]: "So expect major lag when we cross out of the forest"

2010-11-19 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded again, still looking at him

2010-11-20 [Strawboy]: They arrived at the cliff again, Ion simply jumping down and rolling as he hit the ground.

2010-11-20 [Sonya Blue]: she raised a brow, looking down at him "...."

2010-11-20 [Strawboy]: Ion looked back up as he rolled ot his feet "Come on, easier then climbing" he called up to her.

2010-11-20 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned, and then slid down

2010-11-20 [Strawboy]: Ion raised an eye brow "I thought elves were supposed to be graceful"

2010-11-20 [Sonya Blue]: "not always....' she looked at him

2010-11-20 [Strawboy]: "Like sliding own a muddy cliff" he chuckled pointing at Aryas legs which were covered in dirt and mud.

2010-11-20 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "yeah...." she didnt seem to care

2010-11-20 [Strawboy]: Ion chuckled and began walking again whistling a tune.

2010-11-20 [Sonya Blue]: she followed closed behind, staying quiet

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "Mind if I ask a few questions?" Ion said as they walked.

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "sure...ask away..."

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "What exactly are the seven knights?" Ion said looking at her.

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: "we were hand chosen by Raidon to go rescue Nami from Jin...we were the best of the best in our on villages and clans...but not all of us survived...only three of us are still alive...."

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "Huh, reminds me of an old story, about seven warriors who defend a village from bandits. Only three survived"

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: she looked over at him "never heard that story..."

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "yeah, now days its just known as 'seven samurai'. I dont know how much of its true, though 7 warriors were involved and only three lived, saving the village."

2010-11-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [So...yeah what'd I miss?]

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: [not much arya and ion walked in the woods and are on their way back to camp...]

arya nodded slightly "weird..."

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "Weird that a similar story exists?" Ion said as they passed the tree turnk he had marked before

2010-11-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [K :D]

Malganis had fallen asleep cuddled up next to Nami.

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "yes...i find it strange that history tends to repeat its self from time to time...didnt you have other questions?"

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "Mainly about the seven knights actually" Ion shrugged

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "alright..."

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "So how were you chosen? Reputation?"

2010-11-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: A small child, about the childrens age walked into their room, he was scraggly, looked like he hadn't eaten in days, and had a collar one with spikes...pointing aginst his neck. "H..hello, I was told to bring you this." he'd say, setting a tray down with cookies.

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: Arya nodded "sort of...four from my clan were tested, and i was chosen..."

Amallia looked at the kid "..."

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "I see, what did the test invlove?"

2010-11-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He loooked to them

Azhemin looked to his sister, very worried.

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: "reflexes...and how fast were able to dodge certian kinds of attacks...and we were tested on stelth and logic..."

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: amallia walked up to the kid "...."

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "Oh isee" Ion said and quickly spun around, his swrod leaping from its sheath and swinging down towards Arya.

2010-11-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The small child finally fell to one knee, weak and hungry.

Azhemin rushed up to him.

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: arya ducked out of the way at the last second and jumped back a few feet with her hand on her sword, glaring at him"...."

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: amallia knelt down next to him "..."

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: Ion chuckled and placed his sword casually on his shoulder twirling his scabard lazily "Yep, those are some good reflexes"

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: she laughed slightly "you were testing me?"

2010-11-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Sis...w..what should we do?"

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: "Yep, learnt from experience not to trust words to much" Ion smiled.

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded slightly "...well you can trust me..." she smiled at him

amallia frowned "we can start by getting this off his neck..."

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: Ion chuckled "Well seing time is distorted here care to spar?"

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked and nodded "alright..."

2010-11-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He shook his head. "I...don't think we should, remember how ruthless dad said he was?"

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: Ion chuckled and took up a stance, using bth sword and sheath as weapons.

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: amallia frowned "i dont care..."

arya took her fighting stance, not drawing a weapon

2010-11-21 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled and feinted to the left, thrusting the sheath towards her from the right.

2010-11-21 [Sonya Blue]: she darted around him and grabbed him from behind and threw him to the ground, then jumped back a few feet.

2010-11-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sighed and nodded. "We can try.

"d...don't pleae..h..he'll beat me."

2010-11-22 [Strawboy]: Ion got u[p slightly winded "Ow, that was unexpected" he cracked his neck from side to side.

2010-11-22 [Sonya Blue]: Arya smiled a little "sorry."

Amallia frowned and stood up, then stormed out of the room in search of her father

2010-11-22 [Strawboy]: "No its fine" he rolled his shoulders "Wasnt expecting it is all" he re took his stance.

2010-11-22 [Sonya Blue]: she took her stance as well, watching him

2010-11-22 [Strawboy]: Ion twirled his blade and scabard so that he held them backhanded as he lowered his stance, straightening his left leg out toward Arya but bending hi right behind him.

2010-11-22 [Sonya Blue]: she didnt move, she just watched him as if she was studing him

2010-11-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin was in the library, reading a good book.

Azhemin stayed with the kid.

2010-11-22 [Sonya Blue]: amallia stormed down the halls, causing a loud fuss as she looked for Jin

2010-11-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin rolled his eyues and stepped out. "So NOW you leave your room, the hell is wrong with you?"

2010-11-22 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia stoped and looked up at him, glaring "YOU ARE SO MEAN!"

2010-11-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "How so?"

2010-11-22 [Sonya Blue]: her eyes narrowed and she clentched her fists "what you did to that boy is horrible!"

2010-11-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He roes a brow. "Which boy, there's...a lot here."

2010-11-22 [Sonya Blue]: she stamped her little foot, and little waves of eletricty circled the ground around her foot "the one you sent to our room!"

2010-11-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Ah yes him..he was caught stealing food."

2010-11-22 [Sonya Blue]: she glared "maybe if you fed him he wouldnt steal!"

2010-11-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Psh, feed a slave more than he needs?"

2010-11-23 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked, she didnt know what a slave was, but she didnt like the word "HE IS A PERSON! NOT AN ANIMAL!"

2010-11-23 [Strawboy]: Ion moved forward twirling on his feet in an arc, making a spin attack with both his sword and sheath.

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